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Catechesis Track

Forming Vibrant Faith: Catechesis for All Ages

John Roberto

The catechetical documents of the Church call us to develop faith formation that engages the whole person: heart, mind, and hands. 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'  This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Mt 22:37-39) Jesus presented faith and discipleship as a whole way of life. How do we form people – children, youth, adults, and families – in this way of life today?

This track explores practices, approaches, and strategies for forming disciples at every stage of life and designing and teaching faith formation programs that are more holistic and engaging. Learn how to use the newest educational methods in our catechetical programs to engage people more fully in faith-forming experiences. Discover how to integrate intergenerational relationships and faith experiences into faith formation for all ages; and how to make families and family faith formation part of everything we do. Learn how to incorporate digital methods and media into faith formation with all ages.

Come and explore how to guide people of all ages in developing a loving relationship with Jesus, embracing his Good News, and following him in their daily lives.

John Roberto

John Roberto is on the leadership team of Vibrant Faith Ministries where he serves as the coordinator of training services. He works as a consultant to churches and national organizations, teaches courses and conducts workshops in faith formation, and has authored books and program manuals in faith formation. His latest publications include Faith Formation with a New Generation (2018), Families at the Center of Faith Formation (2016), Seasons of Adult Faith Formation (2015), Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century (2015), Generations Together (2014), and Faith Formation 2020 (2010). He is the founder of LifelongFaith Associates (2006) and the Center for Ministry Development (1978). He was the creator and project coordinator of the Generations of Faith Project, a five-year Lilly Endowment funded project (2001-2006) to develop intergenerational faith formation in Catholic parishes across the United States. John has a masters degree in religious education from Fordham University and graduate studies in sociology at Catholic University of America. John has been involved in Christian ministry and faith formation since 1969.


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