conferenc title

Stewardship Track

Stewardship: Unlock Your Parish’s Hidden Potential

Fr. C. Jarrod Lies, STL


Through the Pastoral Plan and his most recent Pastoral Letter on Stewardship, Cardinal Thomas Collins has called for a revitalization of our parish communities through the spirituality of stewardship. But what exactly is "stewardship"?

A steward receives God's gifts gratefully, develops those gifts responsibly, shares those gifts lovingly in justice with others, and makes a return with interest to the Lord.

Participants attending this track will reflect on how stewardship comes to life in the Word of God and the living Tradition of the Church. Discover the relevance of the Four Pillars of Stewardship and the Three Areas of Giving, and how to make stewardship a way of life for you and your parish.

Fr. Lies will share his experience as pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, a leader parish, in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas which celebrates 50 years of vibrant stewardship. Participants will learn how to transform everything we do into the joyful awareness that each of us has been entrusted with gifts for the building up of the kingdom of God.

This track is ideal for clergy, parish stewardship committees, parish pastoral councils, and parish leaders interested in bringing about dynamic parishes within the Archdiocese of Toronto.


Fr. Jarrod Lies

Fr. Jarrod Lies was ordained on May 26, 2001, to the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas. He holds undergraduate degrees in Philosophy and Theology from Conception Seminary College, a Master’s degrees in Scripture and Divinity from the Pontifical College Josephinum, and in 2018, he completed a Licentiate in Sacred Theology with an emphasis in the New Evangelization through Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, MI. Fr. Jarrod Lies is the current pastor at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas.


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