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Prayer In Time of COVID

by Bishop Robert Kasun, CSB, Auxiliary Bishop, Central Region, Archdiocese of Toronto

Gracious God, you who are the author of all life, and who desire the well-being of all people,
during these dark days of COVID-19, increase in us, respect and reverence for all human life.

Grant restored health to the sick,
comfort and hope to the dying,
eternal peace for those who have died,
strength to family members, relatives, clergy, friends and volunteers,
renewed energy to hospital workers, PSWs, nurses and doctors,
and perseverance to all in the health care professions.

Grant wisdom to scientists for the development of effective and moral vaccines,
discernment and right judgment for legislators,
aid to the discouraged, poor and vulnerable,
courage and justice for front-line workers and all who risk their lives for the benefit of others,
and keep always in our minds the vision of the true common good of all the world.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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