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Understanding and Praying with The Mystics

Friday, May 26, 2023 07:00 PM - Sunday, May 28, 2023 01:00 PM
Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre

Women praying at home

A silent Ignatian weekend retreat for women. The word mystic calls up images of someone whose prayer life is out of our reach, although there were mystics who could levitate, bilocate, or had some other unique God-given gift, most mystics however, were persons like you and me who just had a deep desire to grow in a closer union with God and were persons who gradually grow into a deep reflective life; a life of prayer and discernment in everyday life. Initially we will remove some of the mystique from mysticism whereupon we focus on the life and writings of three well known mystical writers: Thomas Kempis, Theresa of Avila, and John Nicolas Grou who each were products of their own time and culture.
This retreat hopefully will lead the retreatants to a greater understanding of their own ever evolving prayer life and relationship with God along their individual earthly journey. Facilitated by Fr. Henk van Meijel, SJ. A suggested offering of $245 per person. Includes 2 nights accommodation, meals, program and spiritual direction.

PHONE: 905-839-2864
