Stained glass window of Jesus on the Cross

Easter Triduum

Lent ends on Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday evening through Easter Sunday is the three day period called the Triduum where we remember Christ’s passion, death and resurrection.

What is Holy Thursday?
It is at this special celebration that we remember and celebrate Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist. It is the night when we renew our mandate to serve one another in the washing of the feet, which first took place at the Last Supper.
What is Good Friday?
Good Friday is the day that we recognize as the day that Jesus died on the cross.
What are the Stations of the Cross?
The Stations of the Cross commemorate Jesus’ journey from Pilate’s court to Calvary where he was crucified. Jesus’ mother Mary is believed to have often retraced the sorrowful way her Son made of Good Friday.
What is Holy Saturday?
Holy Saturday commemorates the period where Jesus’ body lay in the tomb. Easter begins with the Easter Vigil – during these services, catechumens (those preparing to join the Catholic Church) are baptized and brought into full Communion with the Catholic Church.