Older woman and young boy cleaning pews in the parish, wearing masks

Stewardship Resources

To help parishes and individuals reflect on the concept of deep stewardship and to assist in bringing this to life throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto, we have created a number of resources. Many of these draw on the pastoral letter on stewardship from Cardinal Thomas Collins, released in late 2018.

Reflecting on how stewardship is infused in all of our work is something outlined by Cardinal Collins in the Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese of Toronto, promulgated in 2012. In that document His Eminence writes:

“The first pillar of the pastoral plan is the development of vibrant parishes, and that is precisely what stewardship is all about. The second pillar is vocations, of all kinds: we are called to determine with God’s help, how we he wants us to be good stewards of the gifts he has given us in the vocation to which he has called us. The third pillar is the care of those who are in need, as we reach out to them in love and justice. We do so by sharing our gifts with them, as good stewards of time, talent, and treasure. The fourth pillar is the mission to evangelize the culture. 

If a life of discipleship shaped by a commitment to stewardship leads us to use our gifts fruitfully, then our vibrant parishes, our dedicated Christians following their particular vocations, and our care for the needy will have an impact on our secular society, helping us to evangelize the secular culture.”

 Available Resources:

We pray that these resources assist you in your own stewardship journey. Should you require additional assistance, please reach out to Quentin Schesnuik at 16-934-3400, ext 568 or quentins@archtoronto.org.