2020 parish ministry conference  header image, theme "Called to Be Saints" (1 Cor 1:2)

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As the largest religious media network in the world, EWTN's mission is to spread the Eternal Word by educating others about our Catholic faith and sharing the good news of salvation. Explore our numerous pages of historical faith documents, prayers, teachings, information on saints, and other current issues in Catholicism today. You can also catch EWTN programs via cable, online, and mobile app. 



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​We help Catholic organizations build stronger and more vital faith communities by creating a deep sense of belonging and purpose – one person at a time, so they are better positioned to fulfill their mission and vision. We motivate others to recognize their God-given talents and amplify them into strengths, so they can feel and experience the power and passion that will bring to their lives.


Pauline Books & Media publishing is part of the larger apostolic mission of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of women religious consecrated to proclaim Christ using all forms of media. Our Pauline Books & Media Centre in Toronto (and our new online centre at paulinestore.ca) is your source for books and media to help you encounter Christ, deepen your Catholic faith and identity, explore moral issues, share the Faith with others, and strengthen your catechetical and pastoral outreach.

Take advantage of our 15% discount for all registered participants of the 3rd Annual Virtual Parish Ministry Conference.


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