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Reimagine Faith Formation Project

The Reimagine Faith Formation Project aims to equip pastoral teams from parishes across the Archdiocese of Toronto with the training and tools needed to develop faith formation initiatives that meet the needs of parishioners, help them grow as disciples, and engage more deeply in the life of the Church. 

Elements of this approach include:

  1. Engaging all generations—intergenerationally
  2. Nurturing family faith and equips parents to transmit faith at home
  3. Addressing the unique needs of age groups—children, youth, and adults
  4. Developing mission outreach to the unaffiliated and uninvolved and inviting people into discipleship and participation in the faith community
  5. Utilizing digitally enabled and connected strategies for faith formation

John Roberto from Lifelong Faith Associates, author, and educator with 48 years of ministry experience, provides pastoral teams from participating parishes with interactive learning and design experiences. These include in-person workshops, webinars, and ongoing assistance to design and implement new initiatives using the lifelong faith formation approach. Local support is provided by the Office of Formation for Discipleship. The project ran from February 2018 – June 2019.

For more information, please contact Patrick Douglas, Associate Director, Family Life and Special Projects, at 416-934-3400, ext. 509 or

You are welcome to watch the videos and view the resources below:

You may also find additional resources on John Roberto's websites:

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