Parish Vitality & Stewardship
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A steward is someone who receives God’s gifts gratefully, develops those gifts responsibly, shares those gifts lovingly in justice with others, and makes a return with interest to the Lord.
As such, the goal of parish vitality and stewardship is to help increase the engagement of everyone in the life of their parish as stewards, inviting us all to become more involved in the myriad of different ways to serve one another for the glory of God.
We Offer the Following Resources on Parish Vitality and Stewardship:
- The Spirituality of Stewardship. Housing resources for parishes, groups and individuals, click on the box above to deepen your understanding of the spirituality of stewardship. Included in this section is Cardinal Collins’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship (including its companion resources), stewardship bulletin reflections for parishes, a stewardship prayer card, and more!
- Charisms. As stewards, God has given us many diverse gifts for the building up of the Kingdom of God. Click here to learn more about charisms!
- Stewardship Sunday. Celebrated annually across the entire Archdiocese of Toronto on the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Stewardship Sunday normally occurs on the third Sunday in September. During this time, His Eminence, Cardinal Leo supplies a homily to be shared at all Masses that weekend. Click on the box above for Stewardship Sunday homilies - both past and present.
- Parish Vitality. This section features practical resources to help a parish community deepen parishioner engagement. Resources include a Parish Vitality Webinar Series and the Parishioner Time and Talent Campaign Kit. The webinar series features engaging speakers and practical topics while the campaign kit can help a parish design a “people-raising” campaign to increase engagement. Kit resources include a Time and Talent Campaign Card, guides for Parish Ministry Fairs, Lay Witness Speakers, Stewardship Committees, Commitment Sundays, customizable forms and posters, brochures, and more!
- Parish Vitality Additional Resources. This section has a multitude of interesting resources, including downloadable promotional videos for parishes. Each promotional video lasts only a few minutes with some being humorous while others emotionally moving. Parishes can use these short videos in their e-communications to help invite people to get more deeply involved in parish life. Additional resources on this page include full-length videos from our formation days, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact
Quentin Schesnuik
Associate Director – Family Life & Parish Vitality in the Office of Formation for Discipleship
416-934-3400, ext. 568